Friday, December 3, 2010

What to do with all this energy?

I've been sick for a couple of days, i always am. There's no escaping it, i've tried everything in the book to win the battle against my low immunity system, but nothing seems to work. Everything but my smoking, black coffee drinking, no exercise habits. But is there really no other way to combat immunity without stopping everything that gives me pleasure? Does it really have to be either or?

We have learnt to overcome and deal with alot of obstacles nature has put in our way. We have forgotten what it is to be natural, but if we're already down that road, is there nothing we can do about our failing immunities? The odd thing is while i'm sick in bed, i find that i have quadruple the energy that i have on an given healthy day. It's like an electrical source. What is that? Isn't that against the whole point of being sick and tired?

Racing heart, little electrical convulsions, and enough energy to take me around a 2KM track at least 12 times comfortably. I don't get it. Im sure if you do, you don't care to make me get it, which is fine. I'm ranting anyway.

Gotta go take my meds.

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