Monday, December 6, 2010

Dead baby jokes

I don't get what people find funny these days. 

Dead baby jokes are all the rage, they have a couple of websites set up for just that. 
Is that considered cool, funny, new? Or am i just not prone to laughter anymore?
I'm sure they won't find it funny once they lose one of their own. 

A sample of what people find amusing: 

  • What's funnier than a dead baby? 
    A dead baby in a clown costume!
  • What's funnier than a dead baby?
    A dead baby sitting next to a kid with down syndrome.
  • How do you know when a baby is a dead baby? 
    The dog plays with it more.
  • What's more fun than feeling up a dead baby?
    Feeling up a dead baby with three nipples
  • How do you make a dead baby float? 
    Take your foot off of it's head.
  • What's the difference between a dead baby and a trampoline? 
    When you jump on a trampoline, you take your boots off.

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