Friday, December 10, 2010

Fashion needs an edge; control maybe?

Asking yourself the following questions can help you determine whether you have a compulsive buying problem or not (shopaholic is such a judgmental word, i refuse to use it). 
True or False?
1) My closet has unopened shopping bags in it
2) My closet has clothes with their price tags still on them
3) I have clothes that I have never worn
4) I buy things I do not need
5) I consider myself an impulsive shopper
6) When I am feeling depressed or bored, I usually go shopping
7)  I get a rush when I make a purchase, but experience a low after I go home
8) Even though I’m short on money, I still go shopping
9)  I lie to my friends and family about how much money I spend
10) I often feel reckless and out of control when I shop
11) I buy things to cheer myself up/reward myself
12) I feel guilty after shopping
13) Shopping makes me feel powerful
14) My relationship with family/friends is suffering because of my buying habits

If the answer to most of the above statements is “true”, then welcome. We meet Tuesdays and Fridays at the CityStars Zara entrance.  

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